Saturday, 14 February 2015

S02E02 - Operating systems fun

Wayne's been on operating systems try-out overload with his swanky new old laptop and we get a run-down of his successes and failures so far, from the unfathomable Plan 9 to the latest Windows 10. We panic but then calm down over the announced end of Crunchbang and discuss the BBC's Domesday Project, the new Raspberry Pi, arcade games, fishcakes and assorted other stuff. Enjoy!

Links and stuff for this episode:

Operating systems:
Ghost BSD (Distrowatch  link - appears down at time of writing is online again)
Windows 10 Technical Preview
Plan 9 from Bell Labs There's some good help with installation here too.
Open Indiana

Grub Customizer

The new Raspberry Pi 


The BBC's 1986 Domesday Project and here's a video from way back then where the BBC's Nick Ross explains the technology and how to use it.

The three-screen Atari racing game Andy couldn't remember was TX-1. Here's a video of it in action.

Pole Position - the cartoon

Our recommended stuff:
Andy: @refudiator and @prettysadmostly (Meatshirt) on Twitter and Nixie Pixel's Linux Videos on Youtube
Wayne: ReviewTechUSA and Chris Were on Youtube

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